T-shirt fans all around the world rejoice today at the news of Shirt Magic's new website launch. The site, which offers custom apparel design and printing in lots as small as 1 by utilizing direct to garment technology announces the launch of their new innovative website.
The newly updated ShirtMagic.com offers visitors a 2 year in the making one of a kind experience. Visitors can create and customize t-shirts and other apparel in an easy to use web based design program.
Visitors are encouraged to sign up for Shirt Magic's affiliate program, which allows interested parties to create unique apparel stores that the site will host and share profits on. Shoppers are presented with a wide variety of customizable items including t-shirts, hats, bags, buttons, stickers, banners, and wedding favors to name a few.
While the features on ShirtMagic.com offer visitors an efficient and enjoyable shopping experience, it is the site's groundbreaking shirt designer program that has everyone talking. The creators of ShirtMagic.com have gone beyond offering the designer program on their own website, they have created a way for visitors to grab a simple strip of code and embed the designer on other websites, social network pages, or even in an email message.
"We wanted to allow our partners the chance to offer our incredible t-shirt designer program on their own websites. We felt that if we could give people the easy to copy and paste code, they would have more flexibility in spreading the word about their customizable products, and thus help them make more sales." Explains Shirt Magic Founder and Owner Todd Kriney in regards to the site's innovative technology.
Anyone with access to the internet can sign up as a free partner with ShirtMagic.com. Once partnered with the site affiliates receive a commission anywhere between 10 and 20 percent of a sale.
Shirt Magic is the leading direct to garment customizable product printer in the market. The company's product prices are on par with their competition, and their innovative partner friendly offerings are one of a kind in an industry full of template made websites. Additionally Shirt Magic offers screen printing, embroidery, and full color poster printing.
Source: Shirt Magic
The newly updated ShirtMagic.com offers visitors a 2 year in the making one of a kind experience. Visitors can create and customize t-shirts and other apparel in an easy to use web based design program.
Visitors are encouraged to sign up for Shirt Magic's affiliate program, which allows interested parties to create unique apparel stores that the site will host and share profits on. Shoppers are presented with a wide variety of customizable items including t-shirts, hats, bags, buttons, stickers, banners, and wedding favors to name a few.
While the features on ShirtMagic.com offer visitors an efficient and enjoyable shopping experience, it is the site's groundbreaking shirt designer program that has everyone talking. The creators of ShirtMagic.com have gone beyond offering the designer program on their own website, they have created a way for visitors to grab a simple strip of code and embed the designer on other websites, social network pages, or even in an email message.
"We wanted to allow our partners the chance to offer our incredible t-shirt designer program on their own websites. We felt that if we could give people the easy to copy and paste code, they would have more flexibility in spreading the word about their customizable products, and thus help them make more sales." Explains Shirt Magic Founder and Owner Todd Kriney in regards to the site's innovative technology.
Anyone with access to the internet can sign up as a free partner with ShirtMagic.com. Once partnered with the site affiliates receive a commission anywhere between 10 and 20 percent of a sale.
Shirt Magic is the leading direct to garment customizable product printer in the market. The company's product prices are on par with their competition, and their innovative partner friendly offerings are one of a kind in an industry full of template made websites. Additionally Shirt Magic offers screen printing, embroidery, and full color poster printing.
Source: Shirt Magic
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